Episode 356 - 5 Tactics to Retain Your Top Talent

Having the proper skills and strategies is key if you want to retain your talented employees. Knowing how to hire the right talent, nurture that talent, and retain that talent is what creates a long-lasting, thriving organizational culture. 

In my Quit Losing Talent framework, I teach around 4 essential strategies: Attraction, Activation, Retention, and Release. Each strategy is taught around 5 tactics that ensure mastery of that area and have proven to create organizational cultures that win, keep, and inspire employees. 

In this episode, I dive deep into the 5 Retention Tactics:

  • Target Checking Your Values 
  • Building a STAY Program
  • Engaging in Tactical Praise
  • Building Equity, not Equality
  • Responding to Feedback

Give this edition of the Lead Up Podcast a listen to learn why these tactics are essential, and how you can start implementing them into your leadership TODAY.