Episode 289 The Killer Sermon with Kevin Kluesner

This week Mike is joined by Kevin Kluesner. Kevin is an author and has served as an administrator of an urban safety net hospital and has been in healthcare for 40 years. He just released his debut novel The Killer Sermon.

Kevin talks about the increase in mental health challenges and how he is helping to build a Mental Health Emergency Center. This may be the first of its kind to specialize in mental health 24/7.

Mike and Kevin discuss the importance of knowing who you are and how you relate to others. Kevin says, "You have strengths and you have weaknesses. You've got tendencies, you've got blind spots. And if you don't know those, then you'll never be the leader that you want to be." 

Kevin shares a story about getting to the right answer fast. But even if you get the right answer and want to move, you need to come to the answer that you can get your team behind. You have to be willing to answer questions so that people understand the why behind the plan.

You can learn more about Kevin on his website.

Be sure to listen to this great interview and share it with others on your social media platforms.