Episode 284 6 Ways to Make Caring a Competitive Advantage

In this episode of the LeadUp Podcast Mike shares how caring is a competitive advantage.

Mike is sharing 6 ways to help your team create a caring environment. These will help you to attract and retain talent.

Why you do the work that you do is a critical step in being happy because it fills a large part of your life. We should feel good at the end of the day about the work that we do. 

We are all leaders, we may not have the title, but we are always influencing others and having an impact on those around us. 

We are never just what we do..when we can connect to the why behind what we do, we create an energy advantage in our life and work. 

  1. Care about the work you do.
  2. Care about why you do it.
  3. Care about how you do it.
  4. Care about who you do it with.
  5. Care about who you do it for.
  6. Care about the impact it makes.

These steps will help you and your team to Quit Losing Talent.