Episode 254 Are You A Revolutionary Leader
Hey Friend, what are you thinking?
Thomas Edison said, "Five percent of people think; ten percent of the people think they think, and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think.”
Are you a thinker? We have a thinking problem in the world today. Most people are letting others do their thinking for them. As leaders, we have to engage our conscious thinking to effect change and influence others in a positive direction.
Approximately 6,200 thoughts run through our heads daily! Not all of these thoughts should be acted on, much less thought. We are getting so much information from others and our smartphones and what we do with that is critical. How are you using these thoughts and information to be a great leader?
Today in Episode 254 I talk about revolutionary thinking that is needed in our leadership today. I hope you will take 20-minutes and listen, then act on the advice.
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