Goal Setting Made Simple
“By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands—your own.” —Mark Victor Hansen
This is not the time of year when I purposely set goals for the year. This year has not really been one to be able to really focus on our goals with all the curve balls we have been thrown. This is all the more reason to reevaluate the goals you set at the beginning of the year. It is time to finish strong this year and time to get ready to go.
I encourage you to join me in setting YOUR goals now as well. Now…before the kids start school. Now…while you still have time to accomplish big things for this year.
Here’s a simple outline to get you started.
Get clear.
What is your vision? Do what my wife and I do each year for our business and personal lives – create a vision board. We have revisited it and even set some new ones that we didn’t have at the beginning of the year. It is proven in study after study that the mind has the power to create what it sees. See the vision with crystal clarity.
Outline your three main objectives.
What three things on your vision board would create the most benefit? For example, if your health is a real issue, and it is affecting your family time, your work, and your finances, then getting healthy again maybe your first objective. Since we have all been home, some of us have worked out more and some of us have spent more time on the couch eating. In this case, fixing that one thing would make changes in that area AND in all those other areas. What three objectives have that kind of power for you?
Assemble your Tasks, Team, and Tools.
You know where you want to go (vision). And you have three main objectives set. Now it’s time to do as David Allen suggests in his book Getting Things Done - capture every single thought that comes to mind related to these objectives. Get them in writing and out of your head. Tasks, obstacles, questions, projects - write them down on index cards. It will feel overwhelming. That is normal. For one person I know, one objective required over 100 index cards.
Once all those thoughts are out there in front of you, step back and start to sort things out. Move things around until you begin to see patterns and a plan of action. Now identify the tools and team (advisors, collaborators, and supporters) you’ll need to carry out that plan.
Lead the charge.
Having a vision, a plan, and a team gets you nowhere if you don’t take action. A great invention that lives only in the mind of the inventor has no more impact than no invention at all. Be the ignited leader who steps up to the plate and makes the first hit. Be the coach who keeps the team moving forward no matter what. Be the owner who actively invests in success. Set the goal and play to win!
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